ペッピーキッズ PEPPY KIDS中央出版 セット内容比較説明 |
幼児英語教材 リサイクルショップ ママのガレージセール |
ディズニー英語中古 | DWEの感想口コミ | ディズニー英語買取 |
中央出版から出版されていますペッピーキッズ(PEPPY KIDS)のセット内容を紹介します。 ペッピーキッズは、新版、旧版とも、アニメや実写、コンピューターグラフィックなどカラフルな画像で、 楽しく英語を学べる教材です。 日常会話や、単語、歌など ディズニー英語システムにはないものもたくさん あり、子供は飽きずに英語を学ぶことができると思います。 うちの子は、かなり好きでした。 コマーシャルのようなテンポで画面がころころ変わるので、小さい子には特に受ると思います。 年代によってセット内容、ビデオの内容など違いますので、古いタイプ、新しいタイプ、両方記載いたしました。 旧タイプと新タイプは内容がかなりダブっており、構成や、画像もかなり似ていますので、中古で、お買い求めになる場合、ご参考になさってください。 |
2004年7月以降 最新版ペッピーキッズ |
2004年6月以前 旧タイプペッピーキッズ |
【商品内容】 ●ペッピーキッズDVD(ビデオ)12本 ●歌のCD2枚 ●ワークブック2冊 ●ポケットブック ●シール5枚 ●ガイドブック12冊 ●ポスター1枚 ●CDの歌詞小冊子 アブアブフォニックス (ababフォニックス) ●ビデオ4本 ●ガイドブック4冊 ●フラッシュカード 33枚x4箱 |
【商品内容】 ●ペッピーキッズビデオ12本 ●歌のCD2枚 ●ワークブック2冊 ●ポケットブック ●シール5枚 ●ガイドブック12冊 ●ポスター ●CDの歌詞小冊子 アブアブフォニックス (ababフォニックス) ●ビデオ4本 ●ガイドブック4冊 ●フラッシュカード 33枚x4箱 |
★★★★★★★★★ペッピーキッズの新タイプと、旧タイプとの違い★★★★★★★★★★★★ ●ウエブスターファミリーのアニメシリーズは100パーセント同じです。 (灰色の動物の家族のお話が出てくる部分。オールイングリッシュアニメ) ●エイゴローと、ピーチ(コンピューターグラフィック)は同じですが、エミちゃん(実写)が違う人です。 ただ、エイゴローとエミちゃんとの日常会話の内容は、最新版と8割がた同じです。 ●歌の部分は、同じ歌が、5曲入っていますが、画像が違っています。 画像はカラフルなコンピューターグラフィックやアニメ、実写です。 ●海外ロケの場所は違っています。 ●単語コーナーの内容は、7割がた同じですが、画像が違っています。リズミカルで、カラフルな画像です。 ●アルファベットロックの歌は入っていませんが、ABCの歌が入っています。 ●アブアブフォニックスは100パーセント同じです。 ペッピーキッズの新タイプと旧タイプの違いは下に詳しく書きました。 |
ペッピーキッズ PEPPY KIDS中央出版 ビデオ(DVD)の内容を比較 |
幼児英語教材 リサイクルショップ ママのガレージセール |
①ウエブスターファミリー(オールイングリッシュアニメ) |
2004年7月以降 最新版 |
2004年6月以前 旧タイプ |
第1巻 | おひっこし | おひっこし |
第2巻 | メリーのお誕生日 | メリーのお誕生日 |
第3巻 | ピクニック | ピクニック |
第4巻 | メリークリスマス | メリークリスマス |
第5巻 | 海で | 海で |
第6巻 | クッキーをやこう | クッキーをやこう |
第7巻 | 不思議な公園 | 不思議な公園 |
第8巻 | おうちをぬろう | おうちをぬろう |
第9巻 | 魚釣りに行こう | 魚釣りに行こう |
第10巻 | お手紙を出そう | お手紙を出そう |
第11巻 | なし | なし |
第12巻 | なし | なし |
②海外ロケ |
2004年7月以降 最新版 |
2004年6月以前 旧タイプ |
第1巻 | スクールバス | 家庭 |
第2巻 | バーベキュー | 食事のマナー |
第3巻 | グランド キャニオン |
街の風景とマーケット |
第4巻 | クリスマス | クリスマス |
第5巻 | ガレージ | ビーチとハーバー |
第6巻 | ポニー&馬 | 楽しいプレスクール① |
第7巻 | 公園 | 楽しいプレスクール② |
第8巻 | ファーマーズマーケット キャンディーショップ |
お休みの日に |
第9巻 | コーヒーショップ ギフトショップ |
楽しい バーベキュー |
第10巻 | ショッピング | 街の人々 |
第11巻 | Words in the USA ビーチ |
家の中(日本) 近所(日本) |
第12巻 | Words in the USA お菓子 |
遊園地(日本) 水族館(日本) 空港(日本) 色々な乗り物(日本) |
③英語の歌 |
2004年7月以降 ペッピーキッズ最新版 |
2004年6月以前 ペッピーキッズ旧タイプ |
第1巻 | ●Greeting(あいさつの歌) ○London bridge is falling down(ロンドン橋落っこちる) |
●Greeting(あいさつの歌) ○The ABC song(ABCの歌) |
第2巻 | ○Under the spreading chestnut tree(大きな栗の木の下で) |
○Good night(グッドナイト) |
第3巻 | ●I love the mountains(山はたのし) ○I`m a little teapot(私は小さなティーポット) |
●I love the mountains(山はたのし) |
第4巻 | ●Frosty the snowman(雪だるまのフロスティ) | ●Frosty the snowman(雪だるまのフロスティ) ○We wish you a merry Christmas(おめでとうクリスマス) |
第5巻 | ●Where is Thumbkin?(親指はどこ?) | ●Where is Thumbkin?(親指はどこ?) ○This is the way(私はこうやるの) |
第6巻 | ●Ten little pumpkins(10個の小さなかぼちゃ) | ●Ten little pumpkins(10個の小さなかぼちゃ) ○Head shoulder knees and toes(頭肩ひざ、つまさき) |
第7巻 |
○Open shut them(むすんでひらいて) | ○A ring around the roses(バラのまわりでわになろう) |
第8巻 | ●Red is an apple(赤いはりんご) | ●Red is an apple(赤いはりんご) ○One elephant went out to play(1頭のゾウがあそびに出かけた) |
第9巻 |
○Eensy weensy spider(ちっちゃなちっちゃなくも) | ○The weather song(天気の歌) |
第10巻 |
○Bingo(ビンゴ) | ○Whn I grow up(おおきくなったら) |
第11巻 |
○Skip to my lou(ルーへスキップ) | |
第12巻 | ○Mary had a little lamb(メリーさんの羊) ○Ten fat sausages(10本の太ったソーセージ) |
合計曲数 | 15曲 | 15曲 |
④アルファベットの歌 |
2004年7月 以降最新版 |
2004年6月以前 |
第1巻 | Rock the ABC song |
TheABCsong (上に書いてある ものとダブります) |
第2巻 | なし | |||
第3巻 | なし | |||
第4巻 | なし | |||
第5巻 | Hip hop theABC song |
なし | ||
第6巻 | なし | |||
第7巻 | なし | |||
第8巻 | なし | |||
第9巻 | TheABC samba |
なし | ||
第10巻 | なし | |||
第11巻 | なし | |||
第12巻 | なし |
⑤英単語 |
2004年7月以降 ペッピーキッズ最新版 |
2004年6月以前 ペッピーキッズ旧タイプ |
第1巻 |
第2巻 |
第3巻 |
第4巻 |
第5巻 |
第6巻 |
第7巻 |
第8巻 |
形 circle oval triangle square rectangle |
第9巻 |
第10巻 |
第11巻 |
第12巻 |
⑥エミー&エイゴロー 1,2,3 (CGと実写の日常会話) |
2004年7月以降 ペッピーキッズ最新版 |
2004年6月以前 ペッピーキッズ旧タイプ |
第1巻 | ① | My name is Eigoro. Hello,Eigoro.Nice to meet you. My name is Emmy.How old are you? Hello,Eigoro. Hello Emmy. くりかえし Good! |
Hi, I'm Emmy.Nice to meet you. My name is Eigoro. Hello, Eigoro. Nice to meet you. My name is Emmy. How old are you? Hello,Eigoro. Hello,Emmy. |
② | Hello! くりかえし Nice to meet you! Good morning! くりかえし Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. くりかえし What's your name? My name is Peach. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. :How old are you? I'm six. How are you? I'm fine thank you. |
Hello. Nice to meet you. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. What's your name? My name is Peach Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. How old are you? I'm six. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. |
③ | Hello.Good morning.Nice to meet you. How are you? I'm fine,thank you. See you! See you. |
Hello. Good morning. Nice to meet you. How are you? I'm fine,thank you. See you. See you. |
第2巻 | ① | Ham,cheese,butter,eggs. Pass me the salt,please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Eigoro,pass me the butter,please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Eigoro, pass me the ham,please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Eigoro, pass me the cheese,please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcom. |
Eigoro, pass me the salt, please. Here you are. Thank you. Eigoro,pass me the butter, please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Eigoro, pass me the ham, please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Pass me the cheese, please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. |
② | It smells good. Let's eat! Yes,let's. Let's eat. It's delicious. Thank you. It's delicious. More juice? Yes,please. No,thank you. |
Please,go ahead. Thank you. You're welcome. It smells good. pass me the ketchup, please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Let's eat. Yes, let's. It's delicious. Thank you. More juice? Yes,please. Peach, more juice? No, thank you. More bread? Yes, please. |
③ | It's sweet. くりかえし It's a salty! くりかえし It's sour. くりかえし |
It's sweet. It's salty. It's sour. |
第3巻 | ① | How is the weather today? Oh,it's sunny. Where is the soccer ball? It's in the toy box. Where is the glove? It's on the bookshelf. Where is the jump rope? It's by the teddy bear. Where is the bag? It's under the desk! |
How is the weather today? It's sunny. Where is the soccer ball? It's in the toy box. Where is the glove? It's on the bookshelf. Where is the jump rope? It's by the bed. Where is the bag? It's under the desk. |
② | Eigoro,Open the door,please. Oh,and shut the window,please. Open… shut… Open the door and shut the window,please. Open. Shut. Shut the window. Open the door. Thank you. |
Eigoro,shut the door. Open the window,please. Shut the door. Open the window. |
③ | Hi, Peach. Hi, Emmy.Hi, Eigoro. Hi, Peach. Look! It's sunny. Eigoro,stand up. くりかえし All,right! Eigoro, run! Eigoro! Run! Walk. Run. Jump. Stop. くりかえし OK!Now let's play soccer! Where is the field? It's by the river. By the river? Yes. Let's go! くりかえし |
Hi,Peach. Hi,Emmy.Hi,Eigoro. :Hi, Peach. Look! It's sunny. Eigoro, stand up. Run. Walk. Jump. Stop. Let's play soccer. Where is the field? It's by the river. Eigoro, are you ready? Yes! Let's go! |
第4巻 | ① | Merry Christmas! I'd like some Christmas card. くりかえし How many cards would you like? Five,please. How much is it? May I help you? Yes,I'd like some Christmas cards,please. How many cards would you like? Five,please.How much is it? Good! I want a teddy bear. A toy car. A guitar. I want a teddy bear,a toy car,and a guitar. Good! |
I'd like some Christmas cards. How many cards would you like? Five, Five please. How much is it? I want some Christmas cards. How many cards would you like? Five please. How much is it? I want a teddy bear.I want a toy car. I want a model. |
② | I want a teddy bear. May I borrow it? Here you are. Thank you. Thank you. Here you are. You're welcome. Wait!Wait a minute! Let's eat! Yummy,yummy! Yummy! I want some dolls. How many do you want? I want two. May I help you? I'd like two dolls,please. |
May I borrow it? Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Eigoro, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I want some dolls. How many do you want? I want two. May I help you? I'd like two dolls,please. |
③ | I want some toys. I want some dolls. How many do you want? I want five. Five? Wait a minute! Listen! Yes. Santa Claus is coming. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. |
:I want some toys. I want some dolls. How many do you want? I want five. Wait a minute.Santa Claus is coming! |
第5巻 | ① | What's the matter? I have a toothache. Oh!I have a toothache. |
What's the matter? I have a toothache. Ow!I have a toothache. |
② | Hi,Eigoro. What's the matter. Ouch! Ouch! Oh,are you all right? くりかえし Yes,I am. くりかえし No,I'm not. I have a toothache. What's this? It's a picnic basket. What's that? It's a picture. What's that? くりかえし It's my diary. Ouch! Are you all right? Yes,I am. |
Hi,Eigoro. What's the matter. I have a toothache. Oh, are you all right? Yes,I am. What's this? It's a picnic basket. What's that? It's a picture. What's this? It's my diary. Ouch! What's the matter. I hurt my leg. Are you all right? Yes,I am. |
③ | Ouch! I have a toothache. | Ouch! | |
第6巻 | ① | Let's count them. One,two,three,four,five,six,seven, eight… くりかえし Let's count them. くりかえし |
Let's count them. One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. |
② | Hi,Peach. Hi,Emmy. Umm…Something smells good. Look,I made some cookies. Do you like cookies? Yes,I do. I want to make some,too. OK! Let's make some more cookies. |
Hi,Peach. Hi,Emmy. Umm…Something smells good. Look,I made some cookies. Do you like cookies? Yes,I do. I want to make some,too. OK! Let's make some more cookies. |
③ | How many cookoes are there? How many? くりかえし くりかえし One,two, three, four, five, six, eight, nine, ten! くりかえし Thank you! This is a cookie. These are cookies. くりかえし Small. Big. Let's eat! Here you are. Thank you. |
How many cookoes are there? One,two, three, four, five, six, eight, nine, ten. This is a cookie. These are cookies. Big. Little. |
第7巻 | ① | Eigoro,what are you doing? くりかえし I'm running. What are you doing? I'm studying. Eigoro, what are you doing? I'm singing. Let's take turns. First,it's my turn. It's my turn.くりかえし くりかえし OK! What are you doing? I'm crying. |
Eigoro,what are you doing? I'm running. what are you doing? I'm studying. what are you doing? I'm singing. Let's take turns. It's my turn. No,it's my turn. It's my turn. It's your turn. Eigoro, what are you doing? I'm crying. |
② | Yeah! Here, it's your turn. It's your turn.Here. OK! It's my turn. Yeah! Hi! What are you doing? Hi,Peach. Join us. We are playing basketball. Can you play basketball? No,I can't. Can you play the Othello game? No,I can't. Can you play this game? Yes, I can. OK! Let's tyr again. Let's sing a song. OK! I'm first. くりかえし くりかえし |
Here, it's your turn. O.K. It's my turn. Hi! What are you doing? Hi,Peach. Join us. We are playing basketball. Can you play basketball? No,I can't. Can you play the Othello game? No,I can't. Can you play this game? Yes, I can. Let's tyr again. Let's sing a song. I'm first. I'm first. |
③ | Whose turn? t's my turn. くりかえし OK! くりかえし |
Emmy:Whose turn? Peach:It's my turn. Eigoro:It's my turn |
第8巻 | ① | Eigoro,pass me the red crayon, please. Pass me the red crayon,please. Here you are. yellow. This is yellow. Yellow. This is red. Red. What color is this? It's green. OK!White…blue・pink・purple・orange・brown. White…blue…pink…purple…orange…brown. Oh!No! |
Eigoro,pass me the red crayon, please. Here you are. This is yellow. Yellow. This is red. Red. What color is this? It's green. What color is this? It's black. |
② | What shape is this? It's a square. What shape is this? Triangle. This is a circle. Eigoro, what shape is this? It's a circle. That's right. Is this a ship? Yes. Oh,great! Eigoro,pass me the square, please. Is this a square? Yes. Is this a triangle? Yes. Is this a circle? Yes. |
What shape is this? It's a square. What shape is this? Triangle. This is a circle. what shape is this? It's a triangle. That's right. Is this a ship? Yes. Oh, great! Eigoro, pass me the square please. Is this a square? No. Is this a square? Yes. Is this a triangle? No. Is this a triangle? Yes. |
③ | It stopped raining. Is that a rainbow? Yes.It's a rainbow. Red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo…くりかえし |
Is that a rainbow? Yes,it's a rainbow. Red,orange,yellow… |
第9巻 | ① | This is long. This is short. Eigoro, pass me the short one, please. Here you are. Is it short? No, it isn't.Here you are. Is it short? Yes,it is. Is it short? No, it isn't. Is it short? Yes,it is. It's long!It's long! OK! |
It's long. It's short. Eigoro, pass me the long one, please. Here you are. Is it long? No, it isn't. :No, it isn't. Here you are. :Is it long? Yes, it is. くりかえし Is it long? No, it isn't. Is it short? Yes, it is. It is short. |
② | This is cold. This is hot. Which one do you want? This is cold. This is hot. Which one do you want? I want the cold one, please. Thank you. Hi! Hi,Peach!This is cold. This is hot. Which one do you want? The hot one,please. Thank you. Would you like something to eat? No,thank you.I'm full. I'm hungry. This is cold. This is hot. Are you all right? It's wet. |
This is cold. This is hot. Which one do you want? This is cold. This is hot. Which one do you want? I want the cold one, please. This is cold. This is hot.Which one do you want? The hot one , please. Thank you. Would you like something to eat? No,thank you.I'm full. I'm full. I'm hungry. くりかえし Eigoro:This is cold. This is hot. It's wet. It's wet. It's dry. |
③ | I'm happy. I'm happy,too. I'm sad… |
I'm happy. I'm happy,too. I'm sad. |
第10巻 | ① | What's this? くりかえし It's a letter and a picture. These are flowers. Dear Emmy. How are you? What's that? It's an apple and an orange. |
What's this? くりかえし It's a letter and some photos. They are flowers. What's that? It's an apple, and an orange. |
② | Hi,Peach. Hi,Emmy. Hi,Peach. Hi, Eigoro. What's that? It's a picture. This is my grandma. How nice! Would you like some fruit? Yes,please. OK. Whose is this? It's mine. Peach, which one do you like better? Well… Peach, which one do you like better? I'm a girl. Which one do you like better? Peach, which one do you like better? I like this one. OK. Thank you. I like this one. No, it's mine. It's mine! Let's share!… Let's share! OK.OK. Let's share! Let's share! |
Hi,Peach. Hi,Emmy. Hi,Peach. Hi, Eigoro. What's that? It's a photo. This is my grand-ma, and this is my uncle. How nice. Would you like some fruits? Yes,please. Whose is this? It's mine. It's mine. Peach:Whose is this? Emmy:It's mine. Emmy:Peach, which one do you like better? Peach:Well…I like this one. Peach:Thank you. Eigoro: I like this one. Peach: It's mine. |
③ | Looking forward to seeing you soon. Lots of love,Grandma. want to meet your grandma. |
Please show me how to write a letter. Why? Because, I want to meet your grand-ma. So, I'll ask her if can visit, too |
第11巻 | ① | Hello, Eigoro.How are you? I'm fine. What's the matter? To the amusement park. You want to go, too? What do you want to do at the amusement park? You want to ride a roller coaster? Yes, I want to ride a roller coaster. You want to eat a hot dog. Yes,yes,yes! I want to go to the amusement park. I want to ride a roller coaster. I want to eat a hot dog. |
② | We get to ride on the roller coaster for free! I can't believe this! Again! Ah…I don't want to do that. Yes, we want to ride on the roller coaster, again. I don't want to go on the roller coaster. Yes, we do. Let's ride the roller coaster! What do you want to ride? I want to ride the merry-go-round. You're a scaredy-cat. Oh!No,I'm not…OK.Let's go… Yeah! Thank you! Let's go…! |
第12巻 | ① | OK! Then, see you later. OK! Hello. Hello. This is Emmy. May I speak to Eigoro? This is Emmy. May I speak to Eigoro? This is Eigoro. May I speak to Emmy? Very good! Hello! Hello, this is Jane. May I speak to Emmy, please? OK! Hi, this is Emmy. Oh! Hi, Jane, how are you? Hello. May I sepak to Emmy? Oh,yes…Tomorrow's Halloween! Halloween…? |
② | Yes, please. No, thank you…Good-bye. What are you doing? |
アブアブフォニックス (ababフォニックス) |
【商品内容】 ●アブアブフォニックスビデオ(DVD)4本 ●フラッシュカード 33枚x4箱 ●ガイドブック4冊 |
ペッピーキッズ、グースキーのぼうけん(グースキーの冒険) マザーグースビデオ単語帳に付属しているものです。 出版社からこれだけ単品で購入することはできません。 日本語ですと「あ」と言う文字には「あ」という発音1つしかありませんが、 英語は一つの文字に対して色々な発音があります。文字に対する読み方を学ぶのが フォニックスです。これが分かると、英語の文字を見るだけで、 大体なんと発音するかわかるようになりますうちの子もフォニックス を学びましたが、初めてみる単語や、人の名前でもでも 発音できるようになりました。 このビデオは、フォニックスの学習を幼児もできるよう楽しい 歌や踊りを交えて学ぶようになっています。 |
幼児英語教材 リサイクルショップ ママのガレージセール |
サイト内インデックス |
●ズイッピー ZIPPY
【ディズニー英語システム 売りたい人・買いたい人】
●ディズニー英語システム 売りたい人・買いたい人
【ディズニー英語システム コピー品・偽物に関して】